Customer Care

How to change the delivery frequency of your subscription

  • Updated

Need to change how often your subscription is delivered? This guide explains how to update the delivery frequency for any of your subscription products.

  1. Log In to Your Harringtons Account
    Go to the Harringtons website and log in to your account using your registered email and password.


  2. Access the Subscription Portal
    Navigate to your "Subscriptions Portal" from the main menu or account area.


  3. Select the subscription product you'd like to change the frequency of
    In the portal, you'll see a list of your active subscriptions. Find the product/subscription you'd like to adjust and click "Manage this subscription".


  4. Change delivery frequency
    Within the subscription details, look for the option to change the delivery frequency. You’ll be able to choose how often you want your products delivered (e.g., every X days, weeks, or months).


  5. Save the New Frequency
    After selecting the new delivery frequency, confirm your changes by clicking "Save changes".

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  6. Verify the Updated Frequency
    You can verify that the delivery frequency has been successfully updated by checking the subscription details in your portal. The new schedule should now be displayed.

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