Q: I can't get the voucher to apply, what's wrong?
There could be a number of reasons why the discount is not working for you. Try the solutions below
Does your order meet the voucher terms?
If your voucher was received by email, please check the T&C's in that message to confirm this. If you came across this in printed media, check the origin of the voucher. Further T&C's are available here
For vouchers originating from your Pet Club Rewards, please see the article linked:
>> How can I use my Pet Club discount code/voucher?
Is the voucher entered correctly?
(including the use of capital letters, numerical digits and special characters where displayed)
If your voucher originates from Pet Club Rewards, please use the 'clipboard' icon to copy it. When you're ready you can paste it into the discount field of your subscription product, and select the button 'Add Discount' to apply it to your next order. Ensure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the voucher code as this can cause it to fail. If you opt to type the voucher in yourself then it's possible to make a mistake. A digit could be entered incorrectly or be interpreted incorrectly (i.e. zero '0' can look similar to the letter 'O', whilst the number '1' and letter 'i' can look the same).
Once you've exhausted the above options, and believe there is still an unknown issue - do not proceed with payment for your order. Drop us a message first and we'll do our best to check things over.