Customer Care

How to cancel your subscription

  • Updated

Want to cancel your subscription? Learn how to delete your active subscription to a product.

  1. Log In to Your Harringtons Account
    Visit the Harringtons website and log in to your account using your registered email and password.


  2. Access the Subscription Portal
    Once logged in, navigate to your Subscription Portal.


  3. Select the Subscription to Cancel
    In the portal, you'll see a list of your active subscriptions. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click "Manage this Subscription" to view its details.


  4. Click on 'Cancel Subscription'
    Within the subscription details, look for the "Cancel Subscription" button. Click on it to initiate the cancellation process.


  5. Confirm Cancellation
    A confirmation message will appear asking you to confirm the cancellation and provide a reason. Follow any on-screen prompts to complete the process.

  6. Verify Cancellation
    You can verify that the subscription has been cancelled by clicking the "Inactive" tab, where it should now be marked as cancelled. You can also reactivate this subscription here.

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Your subscription is now cancelled! You will not be billed for future deliveries, but any orders already processed will still be shipped.


How to cancel multiple subscription items

Each subscription item in your account is treated as a separate subscription, even if they are delivered together. Cancelling one item will not automatically cancel the others.

If you’d like to cancel all the items you are subscribed to, you’ll need to follow the cancellation steps for each subscription individually.

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