Customer Care
Discounts & Promotions
Why can I buy Harringtons products cheaper at another retailer?
If you’ve spotted our products at a lower price with another retailer, it's worth noting that individual retailers set their own prices. While we provide a recommended retail price (RRP) as a guide, each retailer has the freedom to set t...
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The discount voucher isn't working at checkout
Q: I can't get the voucher to apply, what's wrong? There could be a number of reasons why the discount is not working for you. Try the solutions below Answer: Does your order meet the voucher terms? If your voucher was received by ...
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How do I apply a discount code at the checkout?
If you have a discount or voucher code which is valid on existing subscriptions, please view our dedicated article for step-by-step guidance here: How do I apply a discount code to my existing subscription? If you have a discount code or...
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The discount code isn’t working. I have been charged the full price?
Q: I've placed an order but the voucher didn't work The discount field at checkout will show whether a voucher is applied successfully or not. This will be displayed before you proceed to provide your payment details. For a voucher to fa...
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