If some items in your subscription order are out of stock, we won't automatically ship the other items. Our subscription system is designed to wait until all items in the order are in stock before processing. However, there are some steps you can take to ensure your order is processed promptly.
Why don’t we ship partial orders automatically?
Avoiding additional charges
Shipping a partial order could result in a delivery charge if the remaining items fall below the free delivery threshold.
Prioritising essential items
For example, if treats are in stock but your pet’s main food isn’t, we assume your priority would be to ensure the main food ships first.
Minimising separate deliveries
Combining items into one delivery helps reduce the number of shipments required.
What can you do if you want to ship part of your order?
You can adjust your subscription to process the in-stock items by using the subscription portal. Here are two options:
Change the order date for the out-of-stock item
Push the affected item to a later date to remove it from your current pending order.
How to reschedule your subscription
Swap the out-of-stock item for an alternative
Choose a similar product that is available to ensure your order can be fulfilled
How to Swap or Change a Product in your Subscription?
By making these adjustments, your remaining items can be processed and shipped promptly.
For further assistance with managing your subscription, feel free to contact our customer care team. We’re here to help!